I first came across Sense Rugby when the below video came across my facebook browsing. Being a strong advocate for occupation-based practice AND an old rugby union tragic, this video appealed to me on multiple levels. The use of Rugby Union as a therapy seemed so simple yea sooooo powerful.
The combination of Occupational Therapist, Carlien Parahi and her husband, Australian 7’s Rugby representative, Jesse Parahi has produced an amazing service. Utilising the culture, training, social aspects and even the equipment of rugby union and adjusting it to make it fully accessible to their clients is their core business. There is no inclusion criteria for Sense Rugby. Due to the word of mouth of friends or other therapists they have amassed a small army of children who are now reaping the benefits of organised team sport.
Their amazing program has now expanded across almost 20 locations across Australia. They are planning to expand it even further to other parts of the country and the world. If you want to check out Sense Rugby check the links below:
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