Since the beginning of my involvement in the sport of powerlifting, I’ve always been fascinated by the similarities. There are close links between the skillsets required to excel in Powerlifting and those commonly utilised by Occupational Therapists. I have, previously, written blog posts on how I’ve utilised my OT skillset in my coaching. To build on those I have planned to record an episode on it for the longest time.
At about the same time I started this podcast, I came across two ladies on Instagram. One was a powerlifter, one an OT who was developing quick reference products for students and therapists. I’m semi ashamed to admit that it took a good 12 months for me to work out that these two ladies were, in fact, one and the same…Jennifer of @OTreference.
I was talking with Jennifer one day about these previously mentioned similarities between the profession. I reflected and knew that I couldn’t record this episode on my own. Luckily for me, Jennifer agreed to come and have a chat with me, for you.
What I present to you is an exercise in viewing the world through an occupational lens. In our instance, Powerlifting was a mutual love that we discussed but I bet you could look at a myriad of your own hobbies and find similarities.
Keep Occupied