When I started Occupied I didn’t really have a plan for how it was going to go. It was a form of creative expression for me and I enjoyed learning the process and creating a product. The uptake of said product has been absolutely amazing. I’d be lying if I said I was excited every single hour of the editing process or thrilled to get up at 4am to record but the feedback from you guys and hearing every now and then that you love the conversations is a big part that keeps it fun and interesting.
50 episodes 70k+ downloads 34 amazing guests 55+hours of released content. 70+hrs of recording 140gig of raw audio files 115 countries reached 44 different podcast apps 2 websites 2 MacBook Pro’s 3 Microphones Still only 1 tech issue (touch wood) Many early morning alarm clocks A Million laughs
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means the world that you guys would listen, comment, email, share, like even just think positive thoughts about the podcast. I encourage you to keep building this amazing OT community of podcasters and podcast consumers. If you listen to a podcast and take something away from it, take the couple minutes and get in contact with the host. Let them know. I can 100% guarantee you will make their day. Here’s to the next 50!
Keep Occupied