What a journey podcasting has been. Mid-April 2018 I finally pulled my finger out on an idea that I’d been tossing around for years. I got the equipment (what I thought I needed), learn the process, set up the accounts and made some graphics. On May 17th 2018 Episode 001 of Occupied launched to the world and I couldn’t be prouder having put a whole 22min of content out for public consumption. I shared that first episode with, friends all over the world via email, in Facebook groups, and Twitter. In the first couple of weeks, about 350 people had listened and I was absolutely blown away. I’d had people I didn’t know email me about it, tweet to me, DM me and I was in a state of disbelief.
Right from the very start, I’d always lead with the belief that if just 10 people listened it would be worth the effort. If a handful of people learned something or took something away it would be worth the time. And if i was able to have an impact on just 1 person in a positive way then it would be worth the long recording and editing sessions and the lack of sleep.
Advance forward 33months and it’s safe to say my initial goals have been far surpassed and podcasting has given me so much more than I could have ever predicted. I’ve connected with amazing practitioners, learned massive lessons and made life long friends.
The absolute best part about hitting episode 100 is that I’m doing it at the EXACT same moment as one of those life long friends, Sarah Putt from OT4Lyfe. We’ve been there and supported each-other right from the beginning and i couldn’t think of a more amazing person to celebrate these milestones with. I can’t thank you enough Sarah for everything you are and everything you do.
Lastly, I’d like to thank, you. Without you, podcasting wouldn’t have the meaning or purpose that it does. You are the reason I do it. You are the reason for the hundreds of dollars spent and countless hours invested. You’re the reason for the late nights and super early mornings to align timezones. You are the reason that I love doing this so much. Without you, there is no Occupied. So thank you for listening, engaging, DMing, sharing, reviewing, disagreeing, supporting and continually being there for the podcast. You are Occupied.
Enough soppy talk. Enjoy the episode and lets make the next 100 even bigger and better 😉
Keep Occupied