OCCUPIED is proud to continue our partnership with the All About Occupation series of seminars being hosted by Rebecca Twinley from the University of Brighton. In the 2nd seminar we present to you the amazing Dr Nedra Peter!
About Nedra
Dr. Nedra Peter, PhD, Adjunct Professor and Research Associate at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Toronto, Canada
I completed my doctorate in the field of Occupational Science at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. My PhD thesis explored the occupational possibilities of people receiving social assistance in Ontario. I also have experience in Disability Studies, Child and Youth Health and research methods.
My research interests include: understanding how health systems, policies and programs do or do not address the diverse needs of marginalised youth, Fostering partnerships through integrated knowledge translation between academic institutions and third sector organisations to directly support marginalised populations, advancing the interdisciplinary field of Occupational Science by conducting empirical research focusing on conceptualizing and studying occupation in racial and ethnic minorities living in Western contexts and addressing equity, diversity and inclusion in access to social support, employment and education.
Session Title
Considering the impact of social assistance on Occupation
Session Details
The aim of this session is to show how social assistance recipients experience lack of opportunity and resources to make everyday choices and to have decision-making power as they participate in occupations. This presentation will also consider my research from a lens that moves away from individualised Western epistemologies and discuss how race/culture has a significant influence on occupation.
Look after yourself, look after others and always keep Occupied
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