
005 – What can Minimalism teach Occupational Therapists

So in this episode, I explore some random reflections I’ve had after coming across the concept of “minimalism”. It started when I found a documentary on Netflix called Minimalism: A documentary about the important things which was the beginning of me diving down the minimalism rabbit hole. “Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question…

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004 – Newgradoccupationaltherapy.com with Dom

This episode I delved into the world of the New Graduate Occupational Therapist!! I had the pleasure of sitting down with the one and only Dominic Lloyd-Randolfi to hear about his journey into Occupational Therapy including his involvement with www.NewgradOccupationalTherapy.com NewGradOT is an amazing blog resource for new graduates containing an amazing array of information…

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003 – Reflecting on Reflection

Every now and then a small thing happens during my day triggers some much more extensive thoughts/reflections (ironic right?). Discussing with my Occupational Therapy students about the importance of reflection got me thinking about my personal journey towards developing this SUPER IMPORTANT skill. I discuss a bit about my experience of finally realising how amazing this…

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002 – Occupation based Pediatrics with the Rocket OT

Simone contacted me on Reddit following the release of Occupied episode 001 saying she wrote a blog called the Rocket OT and had created a visual that “demonstrates how regulation develops and is affected depending on environment/occupation”. After having a chat it was clear that Simone and myself were on similar wavelengths so how could…

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001 – Operation Occupation

Operation Occupation was a project that I undertook a few years ago and was a turning point in my career for my personal growth into the profession of OT. Below is a presentation that I gave to the OT’s in my district about the “Operation Occupation” p…

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000 – Introducing Occupied!

For the longest time I’ve wanted to start a podcast. The blend of technology, creative expression and Occupational Therapy has always appealed to me greatly. My vision for this is to be an online space where I can discuss concepts, new ideas, old ideas, talk to interesting OT’s, explore the dark depths of Occupation and…

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