The OT Roundtable

151 – Can Anyone Be a Dope Leader?

Leadership is a topic that everyone has come across during their studies, career, sports engagement or just general life but how’s your knowledge about what it actually is?

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THE OT ROUNDTABLE – 132 – What Impact is Isolation Having on People’s Habits, Routines and Health

This episode we are diving into the effects we have been experiencing recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic and “safer-at-home” restrictions. We looked at how it has impacted our habits and routines and also what we can do to adjust to these changes to maintain a sense of positivity and mental wellbeing.

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128 – THE OT ROUNDTABLE – What are the Occupational Implications of COVID-19?

As occupational therapy practitioners, we know the importance of community; so please reach out and let us know how you are navigating this challenging time. We here at the OT RoundTable want to support you and band together as an OT community.

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